Initial Consultation

When you enter therapy, you enter into an intentional interpersonal relationship which can be employed to assist you in reflecting on various difficulties in your life. Therapy is designed to provide the confidentiality that allows you to access and express deep feelings, thoughts and emotions that may not be expressed freely in any other situation. In the therapeutic relationship you will experience empathy, respect and a sympathetic resonance that comes from years of experience of working with sensitive life stories. The therapeutic environment provides the freedom and support to find clarity on what is occurring below the surface of daily life and what steps can be taken to bring about change.
Meta-analysis used to integrate the results of many separate studies has shown that psychotherapy is effective in enhancing psychological well-being. Researchers agree that if you are in psychotherapy when faced with difficult emotional or life problems that you will be better off than 80% of people who don’t seek help and that the benefits last.